All you have ever known
A comforted life of ignorance
And disrespect
That comes so easy to you
It becomes natural
To live with, is sin
To live without
Is all you have ever known
And all you will ever know
Call me a rebel
Call me naive
Call me any names you like
But I will not stop
Will not be stopped
Enough is not Enough -
For me
But it's all you have ever known
I will uproot
What you have sowed
I will do it - for me
And for others
In the coming generations
Enough will mean enough
And you will hear me, screaming
This silence and suffering is
All you have ever known
Will end.
By Vridhi Jain (3rd year, BA English Hons)
Beautifully put out with a number of emotions
Simplyyy amazing 😍